1 min readCHILD SAFETYMaking the best possible match between Little and Big is critical to the growth and development of a child. But before we begin the...
1 min readFAMILIES AS PARTNERSWhen it comes to the future of our children and the well-being of our communities, we’re all in this together. So it should come as no...
3 min readFAQWhat is Big Brothers Big Sisters? Big Brothers Big Sisters is a non-profit agency that matches children with adults who help by simply...
1 min readMAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MATCHBe consistent – Show your Little you think your time together is important. Be a good friend – Listen, have fun, take time to get to know...
1 min readPARTNERING WITH THE PARENT / GUARDIANParents/guardians have entrusted their child to you. They remain the leaders in their family and we respect and honor that. The...
5 min readSTRATEGIES FOR COMMON PROBLEMSOver the years we have seen some common challenges that can occur in any match. It’s normal for Little/Big relationships to experience...
1 min readWHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL BIGSuccessful Bigs… Put a child’s safety and well-being first. Are consistent and dependable. Emphasize friendship instead of changing the...
2 min read75 ACTIVITIES TO DO WITH YOUR LITTLE / BIGHere is a list of 75 cool activities you can do with your Big or Little. They were put together by Paula and Chelsea from MENTORrific...
8 min readADD AND ADHDDEFINITION Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or...
1 min readLOCAL DISCOUNTSThe following is a list of the discounts you can receive as a match from local businesses. Three things to keep in mind: You must present...