Big Sister Sandra came to Big Brothers Big Sisters as a college student. She was ready to give a child her time and share her life with someone new. Sandra was matched to Michelle in July of 2011. She and Michelle have been matched for three years and when you see them now you would think they are real sisters.
Sandra has a big, close family and Michelle has become a part of the extended family in the three years they have been together. This summer Michelle went along on a pontoon trip with Sandra’s family. They played in the water and had a picnic lunch. This is something that was new to Michelle and Sandra gave her Little Sister a memory she’ll never forget. They enjoy movies, arts & crafts, baking and often can be found at the Oshkosh Public Library finding new books and working on homework.
Sandra & Michelle are working on a goal right now of Michelle making honor roll. She is well on her way to hitting this goal already. Once it happens Big Sister Sandra has promised a special surprise for Little Sister Michelle this page.